Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Omaha Weather

All is quiet across eastern Iowa with plenty of sunshine with dewpoints in the low 50s. Actual air temperatures are in the 80s. In western Iowa dewpoints are in the upper 60s…this will help make the atmosphere more unstable. The low level jet (mentioned in the post below) is strengthening right now in Nebraska and Kansas. The LLJ will move east and push into Iowa tonight helping pump moisture into the complex of storms. There are a few thunderstorms in far NW Iowa as of this report. There are also a few light showers west of Omaha. We will remain dry for the rest of the afternoon. The thunderstorms will develop in western Iowa around 6 PM and will move east during the evening and overnight. The main threat for eastern Iowa will be large hail and high wind with some locations receiving more than 2 or 3″ of rain overnight. There is another chance of showers and thunderstorms tomorrow as well.


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