Monday, June 7, 2010

Tom Cruise MTV Movie Awards 2010


The 2010 MTV Movie Awards were highlighted Sunday night by several wins for the Twilight series, but also by a Tom Cruise and Jennifer Lopez dance number that caught many by surprise.

The moment was so anticipated that ESPN blogger Bill Simmons prompted his readers during a live diary of Game 2 of the NBA Finals to switch to MTV around 9:40 because one of his buddies with insider knowledge predicted a moment you wouldn't want to miss.

Of course, getting Tom Cruise to do weird things isn't exactly a challenge. For a man who danced on Oprah's sofa and married an actress about half his age, not to mention his religious convictions, performing an odd number with J-Lo is sort of like shopping for milk.

Of course, MTV loves this stuff. They try on a yearly basis to have some awe-striking moments, and though the misses are just as likely as the hits, the show usually leaves you with plenty more to talk about than do the Grammys or the Emmys.

And that was certainly the case Sunday, when Tom Cruise and Jennifer Lopez stole the stage. It was just like any other MTV awards show - expect the unexpected.


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