Thursday, May 27, 2010

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton has signed up to launch a charity scheme to give every U.S. soldier serving in the Middle East a free MP3 music player to keep their spirits up.

More than 180,000 American troops are currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Song For Soldiers initiative aims to provide them all with their own music device pre-loaded with songs donated by famous artists.

The socialite has offered to become an ambassador for the cause, and she will launch the scheme with a party in New York on Wednesday. It will include more than 100 sailors who are in New York as part of Fleet Week, an American tradition which sees military ships dock in a variety of major cities for seven days so the crews can see the sights.

Hilton tells Fox News, "I think there is nothing more worthwhile and patriotic than supporting our troops. It's so easy to take for granted our freedom and happiness and forget about those who are endangering their lives every day to make it possible. Songs for Soldiers is a simple way to show you care. What's great about the program is that it's not about whether or not you support war, it's about being thankful and showing we care to those who risk their lives.

"I'm not looking to make a political statement with this cause, but instead send a message of love and hope to those on the front line."

And the star reveals she is already planning a trip to the Middle East to visit the troops stationed there: "I would love to visit our troops! I hope that once we meet this goal I can personally be a part of the trip overseas to deliver these players into the hands of the troops. I would find that very rewarding, it is something I have always wanted to do."


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