Wednesday, May 26, 2010

House of Gaga

Washington, May 25 (ANI): Singer Lady Gaga has admitted that she uses Ecstasy.

“My schedule is such that I don’t get very much time to eat. But I certainly don’t have an eating problem. A little MDMA [Ecstasy] once in a while never killed anybody, but I really don’t do drugs.”

The singer tells the UK Times Online. “I don’t touch cocaine any more.”

Gaga continues saying that, though a cigarette frees her mind, she cares about her voice more, reports US Weekly.

“I don’t smoke. Well, maybe a single cigarette - with whisky - while I’m working, because it just frees my mind a little bit. But I care about my voice. The thrill of my voice being healthy on stage is really special. I take care of myself,” she adds. (ANI)


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