Friday, May 21, 2010

BP Oil Spill Live Feed

Thick oil now invades mash lands on coastal Louisiana. Governor Bobby Jindal said, "The day we have feared is upon us".  This was much more than tar balls or light sheen. This is heavy oil now in the delicate ecosystem.  See the latest pictures in the slide show below. 

The spread of the oil north and also south in the loop current, has forced NOAA to close 19% of the Gulf water to fishing.  See the maps here.

As the fight to contain the source of the leak continues 40 miles off shore at the site of the Deepwater Horizon explosion. BP now says that it is capturing 210,000 gallons of oil a day from the 21 inch pipe inserted last weekend and connected to a mile long tube siphoned into a ship on the surface.  That is the same number as the combined estimate with the Coast Guard, but more oil than that has been leaking.  Mark Proegler, a spokesman for BP PLC says that is the same number as their estimate leaking into the Gulf of Mexico each day since the April 20th explosion of the Deepwater Horizon .   He would not state how much more is leaking above and beyond the 6 million gallons estimate to have been added to the Gulf of Mexico. See the latest videos of the leak here:


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