Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bearded Darnel

The term Bearded Darnel is heating up in the news today after being heard on TV-
It refers to a type of grass, the botanical term also has other meanings.
A Bearded Darnel is a Lolium temulentum, a form of a weed or grass. But what used to describe a person, it means they are a cheat.
This grass is best of the cultivated grasses, peculiarly adapted for both hay and pasture, especially in wet or uncertain climates” and was “used medicinally by the ancient Greeks and Romans”
It was used as herb actually was sometimes used to treat dizziness, insomnia, blood congestion, and stomach problems. Was also used for skin problems like herpes, scurf, and sores.Although it was considered poisonous by other tribes, some California tribes used the seeds for pinole.


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