Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gossip Girl Season 4

“An Affair to Remember” may be one of the greatest love stories of all time, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t full of complications and heartbreaking sadness. In this week’s season finale of Gossip Girl (Monday, May 17th on the CW) Chuck and Blair give their take on story and add an even more tragic twist. It was one of the most action-packed, edge-of-your-seat episodes to date, so let’s get started with the recap:

The main players:

You may remember that Chuck gave Blair an ultimatum to meet him on top of the Empire State building by 7pm or he promised to close his heart to her forever. This was Chuck’s big, romantic gesture—and it worked. Despite all of her attempts to ignore her love for him and avoid the Empire State building, Blair decides that she is going to hold up her end of the story and meet him there to rekindle their romance.

But just like the movie, things don’t go as planned. Just as Blair is about to run off to Chuck, Dorota, who has accompanied Blair on her date with Cameron to keep her away from the Empire State Building, goes into labor. Blair is forced to rush to the hospital with Dorota and wait until Vanya and everyone else gets there.

Dorota gives Blair her blessing to go and meet Mr. Chuck, so Blair rushes out of the hospital and up to the top of the Empire State Building. But when she gets there, she sees no sign of Chuck—only a bunch of peonies in the garbage can.

Chuck was waiting at the top for Blair and then, when she didn’t show up on time, Chuck went back to his hotel apartment, convinced Blair no longer loved him and started to drink.

And who ends up showing up at the apartment when Chuck is wallowing in self pity and heartbreak? An equally distraught and upset Jenny Humprey. This can only mean something bad is bound to happen—and it does.

See, Jenny has been put in her place by just about everyone she knows. She’s managed to make enemies with her friends and family including her father and Dan. The only one who still remotely listens to her is Nate. So, after hearing from Rufus that she will go to live with her mother in Hudson and finish school there, Jenny runs over to try to find Nate.

Nate is nowhere to be found (he’s at the hospital with Dorota and Serena), but she finds Chuck and the two manage to toast to their sorrows and drink all the pain away. And lonely hearts make for the best company. Chuck and Jenny end up making out, which eventually leads to a shocking plot twist where Jenny actually loses her virginity to Chuck Bass. And just as the bed covers are cooling, Blair walks into the apartment to confess her love to Chuck.

Blair bursts into the apartment and obviously takes Chuck by surprise. Chuck shuts Jenny in his bedroom and attempts a cover-up. Blair tells Chucks everything that happened and explains that the reason she was late was due to Dorota going into labor. She tells him that she loves him and wants to be with him. In the time that Blair is talking, Jenny manages to escape without being noticed.

Jenny runs to the hospital to find her Dad, but she just sits in the chapel and cries. Eric finds her and Jenny tells him everything that happened. She asks Eric not to tell anyone, but Eric runs to tell Dan that Jenny needs help and asks him to go and talk to her.

Just as Chuck’s secret sex slip-up seems to be under control and his relationship with Blair back on track, the scene changes again in another crazy twist. Chuck is in the middle of telling Blair how much he loves her, he actually pulls out an engagement ring, is about to propose…when the whole thing is interrupted by an incredibly forceful punch in the face by Dan Humprey. Jenny apparently told Dan everything and he got furious with Chuck. Dan tells Chuck to confess everything to Blair.

But Chuck doesn’t even have to open his mouth—when Blair sees Jenny, she knows what happened. She tells Chuck that she never wants to see him again, threatens Jenny and walks away heartbroken. Needless to say, Chuck and Blair do not get back together this season and the near future outlook does not look good.

To forget about Chuck and all the pain he’s caused her, Blair decides to take a trip to Paris and stay with her mother and Cyrus. She invites Serena to go with her and the two friends jet off to the foreign country for summer vacation.

Little J also goes away for a while to stay with her mother, although she does manage to make amends with her family and come clean about everything that happened. She goes off to Hudson and leaves all of the drama of the big city behind her.

And then, the most shocking scene of the night takes place with Chuck—who is walking in an alley in a drunken stupor, trying to forget Blair, when he gets mugged. The thieves reach for the engagement ring and Chuck fights with them, telling them that they can have all the money they won’t, but he begs them not to take the ring. Chuck gets violent trying to protect the ring and the muggers end up shooting him, and leaving him lying in the street.

Is this the end of Chuck Bass? We doubt it. In fact, we are pretty sure that spoilers already put Chuck in Season 4 of the show. But it certainly is a way to leave the season! What will happen when Blair finds out that Chuck was shot? Will she find out? How will he survive? Who will find him? There are just so many questions. What a cliff hanger!

At bat:

Although nothing can compare to the drama between Chuck and Blair (with the help of Little J), Serena and Nate had their own problems to deal with during this episode—in the form of Dan Humprey.

See, Dan and Serena ended up spending the night together. Nothing much happened between them except lots of talking, a whole bottle of wine and a kiss. But Jenny ends up snapping a photo of them in bed together and sends it to Gossip Girl so Nate will discover what happened.

There are obviously still feelings between the once-couple, but they do their best to deny them. Dan and Serena both constantly repeat that they love their significant others (Vanessa and Nate respectively). When Serena finds out about the Gossip Girl blast, she immediately goes to explain the situation to Nate. However, she fails to tell him about the kiss.

Nate finds out about the kiss later in the hospital when he shows up to the birth of Dorota’s baby. He walks in on Serena telling Dan that it isn’t a good time to tell Nate what happened. Nate overhears, confronts them and gets upset. He also sends a text message to Vanessa with the scandalous photo so that she is aware of the situation.

At the end of the episode, Serena apologizes to Nate, but says that she needs some time to be alone and figure herself out and be single. She tells him that she loves him, but if they ever want to be together then this is what needs to happen. Nate is upset with her and explains that he won’t be waiting around of her to figure everything out and change her mind.

So Serena heads off to Paris with Blair and Nate finds comfort in two scantily clad girls who he found in Chuck’s black book. Nate is definitely not waiting around.

Then there is the whole thing with Dan and Serena. Dan actually comes to the realization that he still has feelings for Serena. He throws thoughts of Vanessa out the window and is actually about to book a flight to France, but he gets interrupted by an unexpected visitor (see the next section).

Warming up:

Babies. They were a big part of this episode. Dorota and Vanya delivered a beautiful baby girl named Anastasia. But Dorota’s baby is not the biggest baby shocker of the episode.

We were warned about a pregnancy in some of the spoilers, but nothing could have prepared us for who exactly is carrying a bun in the oven. Yes, Georgina is back and she confesses that she is carrying Dan’s lovechild.

You might remember that Dan and Georgina had a fling early in the season when they first arrived at college. Then everyone had a falling out with Georgina and she was shipped off to Russia, tricked into thinking she was going off with a Russian prince.

But she was back this episode, with a blonde wig and a big black coat, and she was acting very cryptic during the whole episode. She asked both Blair and Chuck for help, but they didn’t even bother listening to her—even when she said she was in trouble and scared.

Then she shows up at Dan Humprey’s Brooklyn loft and reveals a huge belly and ultrasound pictures. She tells Dan that he’s the father.

Now, we definitely don’t know what to think about this whole situation. Obviously my first inclination is that Georgina is pulling another scam, but I have no idea what her motivation could be, except getting Dan back into her life (because she was kind of creepily obsessed with him). I don’t think she is really pregnant, and I really don’t think that Dan is going to be a Daddy. However, there will definitely be more Georgina to look forward to next season.

On the bench:

Lily and Rufus were a united front on this episode. Despite all the rockiness with their marriage in the past few episodes, they finished the season strong. It was nice to have at least some balance and harmony during this crazy episode.

Best plays of the night:

- Okay, the whole Chuck and Blair thing was absolutely insane. Loved the acting, the almost proposal, Blair’s reaction to the whole situation and of course the whole Chuck-getting-shot thing. It was mighty entertaining television.

- Eric actually had a good quote in the beginning of the episode regarding Jenny “Send her crazy ass away.”

- I kind of loved to see Dan and Serena have chemistry again. Although it is kind of weird now because they are step-siblings, I’ve rooted for them from the beginning. It was one of the reasons I fell for the show in the first place.

- Blair on Dan and Serena’s night together: “Isn’t that a little ’08—like maxi dresses and Miley Cyrus?”

- Blair’s smackdowns on Jenny were spot on. Someone needed to give it to Little J and I’m happy Blair did it.

- Georgina being back and crazy and I’m loving it. I’m happy to have her back and see what schemes she has in store.


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