Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fat Embolism

The term “fat embolism” rocked to #1 on Google Trends as the term was used on Fox’s popular television show House during the season finale.

“Yeah, she died from a fat embolism, riding in the ambulance after the amputation. It was unavoidable,” tweeted Saul Nutts. “I don’t even know what that is, but I gotta look it up now.”

“She mostly lived until the end of the episode. Had a fat embolism from the amputation. I can’t believe she would,” tweeted Maria.

What are the causes of a fat embolism?

“Fat emboli can occur whenever there is a chance for fat to enter the circulatory system, such as during surgery or trauma. A common scenario is fatty marrow entering the circulation after a fracture to a large bone such as the femur or pelvis, or after surgery on such a bone,” according to Wikipedia.


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