Monday, November 15, 2010

MESSY MYA Death Photo

MESSY MYA Death Photo: Messy Mya, a YouTube sensation and comedian hailing from New Orleans, was shot and killed Sunday after attending his girlfriend’s baby shower.

Although a motive for the shooting isn’t clear yet, we hear that Messy Mya was shot after busting someone’s balls. He was shot around 8pm and as his body lay dying in the streets of New Orleans a large crowd surrounded him, and at least one person took a photo of Messy Mya’s dead body. The really messed up part is that that person then took it upon themselves to post Messy Mya’s death photo on Twitter. The death photo then circulated with some people re-tweeting it, but most people were disgusted and saddened for Messy Mya.
Why anyone would disrespect someone by taking a death photo of them and then posting it on the internet is beyond me. Is nothing sacred anymore? Don’t we owe murder victims (or anyone for that matter) the dignity of respecting them in their moment of death? Do we, as a society have ANY morals anymore?!
Below: Messy Mya rapping/spoken word video and Messy Mya clownin’ in New Orleans.


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