Friday, October 15, 2010

Huntington's Disease

Huntington's Disease, To see Laura Jean never knows that she suffers from a life-altering disease.

Laura has Huntington’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder inherited from her mother.

Symptoms can take many forms, including sudden movements, mood swings and memory loss.

Simple tasks like writing letters are a challenge to Laura.

“The mood swings and impulsivity and all things that are really horrible for a family to live with,” he says.

“You get to the point where they can be in a nursing home where they have significant deficiencies in their ability to care for themselves,” says Dr. Carolyn Drazinic.

Dr. Drazinic heads Huntington’s disease Program at the University of Connecticut Health Center.

There is currently no cure.

The program is doing a lot of work to find one, but there are treatments available to help control symptoms.

The capture of the status of principles helps.

“They start to see problems, for example, with its ability to function at work, to multi-task, its concentration can be reduced. His ability to remember what to do can be altered,” says Dr. Drazinic.

Laura is based largely on meditation and yoga to help in the healing process, and has the support of his family.

“You have to have a sense of humor, so you sometimes have to kind of laugh at things and I have a lot of help,” she says.


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