Friday, September 3, 2010

TI And Tiny Arrested


The term "Sizzurp" has caught fire with the arrest of the newlyweds, TI and Tiny.

It has been reported that TI and Tiny got detained because of the scent of marijuana emitting from their vehicle; however, the released pictures of their car are showing a different story.

The recent arrest of TI and Tiny was due to the possession of controlled substance, which was actually Sizzurp. A closer look inside TI and Tiny's vehicle brings into focus Styrofoam cups, which seems to be a proof of Sizzurp.

Sizzurp is also known as purple drink and is something more than Ecstasy. To get high, TI and Tiny were trying Sizzurp and therefore, got arrested last night in Los Angeles.

The CodeineCodeine drink, Sizzurp is considered amongst most dangerous drinks because of its ingredients which include cough syrup with codeine, red jolly rancher candy pieces, and soda. The use of Sizzurp is not just harmful for health, but can have fatal effects on human body.


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