Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Alabama Election Results

The Alabama election results are in. Ron Sparks will be the Democratic candidate for governor of Alabama. Sparks is the State Agricultural Commissioner. Representative Arthur Davis has conceded the race. The Republican candidate has not been determined.

Alabama held primaries today throughout the state. The primaries in Alabama had a record turnout. Citizens in Alabama had a stake in what happened during the elections today. Some people in Alabama were hoping to get conservatives. Others were interested in the economy, unemployment, immigration and education.

Sparks will advocate for Alabama to become independent on foreign oil. He also wants to start an education lottery giving each student who graduates high school a scholarship.

Parker Griffith has conceded to Mo Brooks. Brooks will represent the Alabama Republican Party in the race for US Representative. Parker Griffith had changed parties just 5 months. Mo Brooks expects to run against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in November. I wonder if he has a chance to win?


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