Thursday, May 20, 2010

SAT Scores

Incoming freshmen at UC-Berkeley will be submitting more than high school transcripts and SAT scores when applying to the university.
In a new school policy, all new applicants will be asked to go through cotton swab DNA and bar code testing.
The cotton swab kits will be include in new student welcome packages.
The DNA testing, school officials said, will test for genes that may determine students' ability to resist alcohol. Tests will also monitor the rates at which willing students metabolize specific foods.
School administrators said results of DNA tests will be kept in a secret database and only used to by the school in its studies pertaining to student lifestyle and dietary habits.
While Berkeley is positive about the measure, some students are questioning  its integrity. Although information will be kept confidential, not all students are willing to take part in the study.
"Who's to say that my DNA won't wind up in the hands of a drug company, a group of chemists, or make its way to foreign intelligence?" one freshman said. "It sounds crazy, but, this is 2010 and privacy is already a fleeing concept."
In previous enrollment procedure, UC-Berkeley students were given social sciences journals and books to read upon enrolling. Now with DNA testing and bar coding, officials claim the school is on the cutting-edge of education.

“This type of experience is one of the true, unique values of a Berkeley education," Dean of the Division of Biological Sciences Mark Schlissel said. "We don’t just give you books to read. We involve you in cutting edge issues in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. You won’t see this anywhere else in higher education.”


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