Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pentecost Sunday

Good morning.  Today’s scripture readings for this feast of Pentecost present two different moments of the “coming of the Holy Spirit.”  Somewhat different, nevertheless, St. Luke and St. John convey one message:  the Holy Spirit is a unique gift to the Church, to each of us.  Each of us well knows the stories, especially St. John’s story of the event happening in an upper room.

This morning, let me tease your minds a little.  Let’s leave these two “appearances of the Holy Spirit,” and turn our attention to a third celebration of this unique event in our Church’s history.  Think with me this morning about the day when your either knelt or stood in front of a man who was called Bishop, Archbishop or Cardinal to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  That day was a day when the Holy Spirit came to each of us.  This was the day when the  Holy Spirit was “poured out with abundance,” as church people like to say upon each of us.

What are we to think about this feast, a feast day that is particular to each one of us who has been confirmed?  Let me share the thoughts of a young man in his twenties who writes and speaks through the media each day.  He notes that we might think about this today:  what is the greatest title that exists in the Church today?  Surely some would say “Saint” but not as many as you might think.  Others might have suggested Priest, Bishop, Cardinal or Pope until recent times.  Yet none of these is the “greatest” title.
As a clue, remember no greatness can be bestowed upon any man or woman in our world who has not faced and lived through challenges ... just as the apostles and disciples did in the early days of the Church ... when the two “Pentecosts” took place.

No, friends, as my close friend said in one of his speeches last week, the greatest name is one that we all share:  you and I and ever member of our Church bears the greatest name of all.  We are, all of us, BELIEVERS.  Yes, I do agree with my friend because to be a believer, especially in our times is one of the most difficult challenges put before us.  Why?  Because to be a believer means this:  “to trust, to have faith that, in doing our little, flawed part, God will accomplish the rest, both within us and in our work.”

How challenging is our faith if we truly take to heart the words of Paul to the early church:  “there are many gifts, but the same Spirit.”  I truly believe it is what this thought conveys that make being a believer so challenging.  Just think of the parishioners you know in this parish, the ones that you personally know, the one’s who voice opinions that differ from yours.  Are you willing to be open to St. Paul’s words:  “the same Spirit”?

Yesterday I was involved in conversations with two very dedicated Christians, Catholics.  One person told me how she help Pope Benedict in the highest of esteem.   About an hour later I listened to remarks from a man who is convinced that Pope Benedict has been something of a failure as our Pope.  Yet, as I said, remarks for two very dedicated Catholics who attend Mass regularly.  And, as is our modern style of confronting such issues, those who like the woman’s position think the man is crazy, certainly far from “the same Spirit.”  Likewise others might agree with the man and consider the woman totally missing what is happening in our Church today.

So what are we to make of this “many different gifts” and “the same Spirit”?  Is it craziness?  Is it ignorance?  What if I then told you that the woman is very much in favor of gay rights for Catholics?  What if I told you the man was convinced the Second Vatican Council was the worst action of the Church in centuries?

Do you sense what I am saying?  To be a believer is not easy because to believe is to test one’s faith every day.  How many people left the Church or stood in strong opposition when altars were turned to face you and the Latin language was shelved?  Yet, many today would stand in protest against mandated return to Latin Masses.

Our experience of faith today places great demands upon our believing so much so that the Holy Spirit might be considered the busiest Person of the Trinity.

As we think of the “new Pentecost” we live in during these post Vatican II decades, are not many challenged to give up our faith or simply to back away from active participation in the Church?

Today, then, don’t we need to take to heart the words of the Sequence prayer that we said together with great seriousness?  Don’t we need to call out as a people of God the words we prayed:  “Heal our wounds, our strength renew ....Bend the stubborn heart and will; melt the frozen, warm the chill; guide the steps that go astray .... give them joys that never end.”


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