Monday, May 24, 2010

Oceanos Sinking

Another sea disaster is being talked about! This sea adversity is not one to forget. The Oceanos Sinking is one of the biggest disasters in the history of South Africa.

“On 3 August 1991, the Oceanos set out from East London, South Africa, headed to Durban. It headed into 40-knot winds and 9 m (30 ft) swells.[1] Usually there would have been a “sail-away” party on deck with musicians and entertainers Moss Hills and Tracy Hills. However, due to the rough sea conditions, this was held inside in the Four Seasons lounge. Although Moss and Tracy and other members of the ship’s entertainment crew did their best to get a party atmosphere going, most passengers chose to stay in their cabins.” –Wikipedia

You can watch the story and updates of the Oceanos Sinking and aswell belief from the survivors on TV tonight.

The Oceanos Program, “Miracle on the Wild Coast” is set to air here in the states tomorrow night, Sunday May 23rd.

You can also watch the Oceanos Sinking story special online via live stream to see the most talked about Oceania.


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