Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jesse James interview

Instead of keeping his mouth shut and keeping himself quiet, Jesse James went on national television and cried.

The interview takes place in James' garage (very appropriate). It starts off sort of reminiscent, with James recalling his first time meeting Sandra Bullock. He said he thought she was a "bitch" before he got to talking with her. He said when he got to know her, it was like a "brick hit [him] in the head."

When asked, "you cheated on your wife," James answered, "yup." I then wanted to punch him. Just saying. He then had the audacity to say, "It's hard for me to talk about this a little. I still love her and care about her."

He continues saying that he "wanted to get caught" and it was a sort of "self-sabotage." He then pulled the "woe-is-me" card, saying, "I've basically never felt good enough for anyone." Oh poor you, Jesse. So your apparent lack of confidence is why you cheated? It has nothing to do with your arrogance? Or are those terms interchangeable in your mind?

James talks about his 30 days in rehab. He went to rehab for "sex addiction and anger management." He also so he needed to deal with "childhood abuse." Here we go again. He talked about being beaten by his dad and says his tough guy persona is just a "smoke screen." He then gets emotional and asks to take a break because he says his daughter Sonny is "the same age [he] was when his dad [beat him] and broke his arm." He did not break down about cheating on Sandra.

James talks about the infamous nazi photo and says he is "absolutely not" a racist.

He closes in saying that he will be in Louie's (the baby that Sandra adopted) life. He says he can see himself as a "decent person" in the future.

The whole interview? Was a waste of time. I don't feel bad for him. I feel worse for Sandra.


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