Thursday, May 20, 2010

Floyd Landis

Lance Armstrong's former teammate Floyd Landis, who had a Tour de France title stripped for failing a drug test and then spent the next couple of years protesting complete innocence, has now changed his tune.
Landis and Armstrong and Hincapie and the rest of the American team gobbled steroids every which way, Landis now says. They stored blood in refrigerators, took EPO, and concocted new ways to beat the drug tests. Armstrong taught Landis everything he knew, Landis basically says.  And so on.
Two reactions:
First, given Landis's undying protestations of innocence (as well as the weirdness of failing a test for high levels of testosterone, which apparently wouldn't have helped his performance), we will confess to considering the possibility that he might actually have been telling the truth. Silly us.
Second, we imagine that Landis has now so thoroughly destroyed his credibility that his latest story will be dismissed as quickly as those protestations of innocence.  If the new tale is true, this is too bad, because we've always found it bizarre that no one had come out and just ridiculed the idea that cycling was clean and detailed how every one of the top riders had to be drugged to the gills or wouldn't be a top rider (which always seemed the logical truth).
Hincapie has already denied the allegations. We suspect Armstrong soon will, too


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